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Title Artist Time


  • Great

    By lokllkjjlhlj
    There are a lot of great songs. While this album has a different feel than some of the other Hillbilly Thomist albums this one is still great. Marigold, Amos, Justify You, and When We All Get Together are the top 4 songs in this album.
  • Some new all time favorites here

    By Juan’s up on a time
    I’ve been chomping at the bit for this fourth HT album. Today I started the day in a terrible state, but I got this album right away, and listened to it serval times over the rough workday. It has proven to be quite the consolation. If you like the Hillbilly Thomists, I’d highly recommend this album, but would suggest you listen to the other three albums first! Some tunes are perhaps a bit too sweet to get past my shield right away, but a few make me want to boogie on down, I’m excited to keep listening and get these songs in my bones.